

A Fascinating, Picturesque Journey of My Life In Picture and Word



Play with words, picture a word and a picture says more than a 1000 words. A pen is sharper than a sword. You can affect people in so many ways with your own mind, in the extreme case you can brainwash people’s mind, or maybe you could use it in a positive way to get your brain clean from nasty words, pictures, ideas and propaganda for example. Just an instep to my weary, juggling mind that s all. Lucky for you, I won’t trick you into any extremes. Day by day you get influences from outside that you react upon. It’s what my blog’s on about. I’ll be quick from going to one thing to another as the day passes by. Since I’m both analytic and artistic, you’ll get a mix of everything. It could be messy and it could be lined upp logically you name it. But since I am also taking the 101 course in photo you will get the picture as well. You get the picture? ;-) Why am I sharing it with you? For one thing, it might cheer up your day since we all now and again face different issues or problems. 2nd, it could give you some ideas or angles to things you have on your mind whether positive or negative. Since I’m a beginner in blogging I will learn as I go, thinking about the etiquettes in writing. I will get ideas from you and from the world around me. Hopefully I might get positive feedback from you. Your’s Sincerely Mrs Robinson (yeah I guess you were humming along on in the song haha)

Patterns 4 Seasons


Presenting Velvet

Velvet s exploring

October Light – Hubby Version

Hubby’s the Photographer this time but it s my edit, experimenting in Lightroom.

Taken with Fuji FinePix S6500fd.

Fly Agaric

Food For Tortoiseshells

August Beauty

Windows 10 crashed my computer. That is why I have not been on for a while.

Also, I have swopped to another photo editing program, that I am getting to know.

So have patience. I will be back with more intriguing photos.

For the moment I give you the following photos. Hope you like them.

Wild Summer

I had to take the opportunity to get outside. There have been a few rainy days lately and I wanted to try to shoot some photos in a different kind of light anyway, so here you go: a pick of today s photos.

At least some reminders of summer 😉

Flower Play

I don t like the colour red, do I? 😉

You can find an amount of details out in the nature, even only some hints of colour sometimes. I have just started to notice grass of different sorts. Add to it a brilliant colour and you get stunning contrasts. Then  play around editing as well. That is fun!

Birdwatch ?

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Today s selection, caught in the moment.

Always have the camera handy, folks!

Okay, I admit: There are moments I haven t brought the camera and I regret it… I ll be working on it.

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